Member of FRN71 Project.
Investigating extrange things since a lot of years before. We want to investigar and to denunciar medios of comunication
than invented news of paranormal sucess, future science and the rights of the potatos.
Some malintencionated people invented histories about ufos, monster, extrange sucess and other things. We are here for read
this news, investigate them and see if they are verdaderas.
For this thing que hacemos, we have a human team of brains with legs, they are all the day working and havenīt got life.
Our goal is the truth.
H.A.T. Consultors
71 Scratchy Lane
Petarda, IL 23004
Phone: (007) 555-121
Fax: (002) 555-121
In this building we have the offices. Yes, we come here every morning with the frio que hace in Petarda.
Apuntese the mail direction and you can say to us all that tonterias que se le ocurran
Visitors canīt be equivocados
H.A.T. Consultors * 71 Scractchy Lane * Habocoloum * Petarda, IL * 23004