Our Services
About Us
Our Services
Meet The Staffs

The prices for the things que decimos que hacemos to the customers.

Years of experience, a lot of prices, lápices con gomas, with this things and two kilos of lentejas, today we sell services. Yes, yo can say " vaya una estupidez", you are right.

Our prices, with the money comemos at the end of the mes.

News of ciencia:
Ufo histories:
Monster chorradas:
75 piastras

Many of the services we offer necesitan than you se de one paseito and come here.

Please call us with a telefono for a free estimate or for more details or for tomar copas.

We will update this page frequently ( si, wait sentado ) so be sure to check back, amigüito.

Send us a jamón

H.A.T. Consultors * 71 Scractchy Lane * Habocoloum * Petarda, IL * 23004